January 21, 2013

Installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Google Chrome is one of the best web browsing application that release by Google Inc. I love this web browser because it's fast and simple. Compare with other web browser, I give 9/10 score for Chrome, it's only my opinion based on my personal experience.

Since I use Ubuntu 12.04 as my operating system. I want to share how to install lastest Google Chrome web browser from the main source, not from Ubuntu Software System.

Ok, let's start it. Now open your browser, ie. Mozilla firefox or other, and type this line on address bar.

Click Download Chrome to get lastest version of Google Chrome for Linux.

You need to select what your operating system and processor arcitecture. I select 32bit .deb because my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using 32bit system. Then click Accept and Install to safe and download .deb installer file.

After finish downloading, go to folder that you save the .deb file. Look for the file and then double-click to install it.

Automaticaly Ubuntu will open Ubuntu Software Center to start installing the program. Just click install button on the right corner, and you'll need to authenticate your sudo user, enter your password.

Now Google Chrome web browser is successful installed on your system.

I hope this tutorial is usefull for you all. next time i will write other tutorial on ubuntu beside from my experience using it.. Have fun.


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